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GBM Works joins the GROW consortium

To accelerate its mission 'to provide the market with a silent installation technique for the installation of monopiles', GBM Works has joined the GROW consortium.

GROW is a joint research programme in offshore wind that initiates research and accelerates innovations. GROW's strength lies in its ability to run focused, sequential and complementary RD&D activities. The consortium includes 20 leading and committed partners that cooperate closely to conduct joint research. Short lines of communication, trust and exchange of experience and knowledge are all significant contributions to the success of GROW. GROW partners work together to reduce the costs of offshore wind and to increase the value of wind energy in the energy system and the ecosystem.

Initially as an associate partner, GBM had its first interface with GROW in 2021 when GBM joined SIMOX, a GROW project. Earlier this year, the partnership between GBM and GROW proved its value again with the start of the SIMPLE IIB project, led by GBM and submitted as a GROW project.

Now, as an official GROW partner, GBM is enthusiastic about exploring more synergies with other GROW members and associate partners for the projects to come. These synergies will materialize soon with the SIMPLE III project, when GBM’s jetting technique, the Vibrojet®, will be tested in large scale offshore. 

If you are interested in the Vibrojet® for the silent installation of monopiles, please contact our Business Development Manager, Marcelo Werneck on or +31 6 2340 7167.

If you want to get more information about GROW, feel free to have a look at the GROW website.


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